With the recent addition of news about rare Chuck Berry items offered on eBay, readers wondered how they could keep track with changes on this Blog.
I cannot add new articles on a daily basis as this is just a hobby and I have multiple other things to do which are more important than writing for this blog. So a new article is posted only once a week or less often.

How do you know if I added new contents? The trick is to use RSS. This Blog like many others offers an RSS feed providing you with the latest changes. An RSS feed is like a very short summary containing just the latest headlines.
To make use of this feature, you need to have a browser which knows what RSS feeds are. Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 (not 6) are examples. If your browser does not support RSS, there are many add-ons and seperate RSS readers out there. Simply google for RSS and your browser name and you will get tons of pages.
In Firefox an RSS capable website is shown by the RSS icon next to the site address:

In Internet Explorer 7 the RSS icon is highlighted if a site provides an RSS feed.
In either case, click on the icon and follow the prompts to subscribe to this feed.
Once done, your browser will check regularly if a new entry was posted on this Blog. The RSS information is very small, so this does not create any overhead or costs to be noticed. Depending on your browser you can now easily check for new contents. In Firefox, for instance, simply click on the newly added bookmark button to get the latest headers: