One of the rarest official Vinyl albums containing unique Chuck Berry recordings is a Japanese concert recording named
The Day of R&B. Originally released in 1982, this album contains several songs recorded by the Japanese band
RC Succession, some tracks by
Sam Moore of
Sam & Dave fame, and two Berry recordings, all cut during a live show in Yokohama in 1982.
One reason for the rarity of this record is that in 1982 you simply did not know about strange Japanese records in Europe or in the U.S. There were a few mail order shops which sent out catalogs every half a year such as Rockhouse or Bear Family. But these catalogs contained U.S., European, and U.K. releases yet seldom Japanese ones.
Even if you had found out about this Japanese album, it would have been difficult to impossible to purchase it from Japan. I remember buying once sending cash in a registered letter. Not only highly insecure, but also time-consuming with no guarantee you ever get the item you wanted.
Things have changed a lot in this regard. Still it happens that you do not notice a release you might be interested in. So I found out about a Japanese re-issue of this rare Vinyl album only by reading
Morten Reff's new book. The CD was released in 2005 celebrating 35 years of
RC Succession. So how do you purchase a Japanese record nowadays? Through the Internet, easily.
Ask Google on
"The Day of R&B" CD and you'll get a list of multiple Japanese Web shops selling this item. Some even have English language text. Payment using Paypal or Credit Card is accepted world-wide. Shipping is easy, and all it takes for you is to wait two weeks until the CD arrives. Thanks, Internet!
If you are looking a bit more, you will notice that using a slightly incorrect title and with no note on Berry's participation the CD is even listed at
an amazon shop near you.

By the way: The record number listed in Morten Reff's book is incorrect. Correct is
Toshiba-EMI TOCT-11089