In 1999 CBS produced and broadcast a four-hour mini-series called "Shake, Rattle And Roll: An American Love Story". The series runs through the 1950s Rock'n'Roll history by following a fictional band called
The HartAches. Many well-known artists are portrayed such as Elvis, Little Richard, or Bill Haley. Chuck Berry is played by actor Cornelius Bates. I have not seen this TV broadcast as it was not shown in Germany and the video tape seems to be sold out.
In addition to the movie, MCA produced a soundtrack CD (
see here). Here you hear 1999 artists perform classical rock'n'roll songs such as
Slippin' and Slidin' or
Summertime Blues. These cover versions were used in the TV soundtrack. Also on the CD are two original tunes: The Chords'
Sh-Boom and The Platters'
Only You. Probably the most important track on the album is
Fur Slippers written by Bob Dylan and performed by B. B. King. There is no Chuck Berry on the soundtrack CD.
However, and this is why I talk about it here in the Chuck Berry Rarities column, there
IS a variant of this CD which contains Chuck Berry! As a "Musical Preview" MCA sent out a promotional CD to radio stations. It seems that this promo CD was sent out before the final soundtrack CD was completed. The HartAches' version of
Side by side is missing on the promo CD, but there is an additional HartAches (i.e. Peter Beckett) recording:
Lucille. Also only on the promotional variant of this CD there is a version of
The Glow-Worm by a band called The Melody Knights, and there is Chuck Berry's
Maybellene. Although this is the original master and not a re-recording, it makes this promotional CD another Chuck Berry Rarity.
Here is the cover of the promo CD which also differs from the final copy.