This is a site about music. But up to now it does not let you hear music.
However, shops such as not only sell music as MP3 files, they also provide samples for you to listen to before you buy. Each sample is a 30 seconds excerpt from the middle of the song. Thus it does not give you the full song, but at least you get something you can check and compare.
I am wondering if I should add such song samples to this site. This would allow you to click on a song title and listen to it. It needs some re-writing of the site's pages, but if you're interested, I'd do that over the next weeks. So please let me know if you think this is worth the effort.
Here's a sample of how the end result may work: the complete contents of Berry's last studio album:
This weblog is an addition to my Chuck Berry fansite called "A Collector's Guide to the Music of Chuck Berry" which describes all books and records of interest to everyone enjoying Chuck Berry's music.