CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: CBID lists and shows Chuck Berry Vinyl and CD releases from all over the world. Recently I came across a release from a country not listed so far.
CLASSIC CHUCK BERRY - The Universal Masters Collection
MCA (Universal) HD-0044 • 1999
Same 20 tracks with some electronic stereo cuts as the 1999 UK (EU) issue MCA (Universal) 112 172-2 (page 216). However, since this is from China there are some differences involved, a separate lyric booklet in Chinese for one and much other Chinese printings. And it also has a cardboard wrapper. Considering what I wrote about this release in ’99, the only interesting thing is that it was actually released in China (Made in China both on cover and label). We’ve never had anything from China before. It says in small printing For Distribution in Mainland China only. Also Shanghai Tendery Music Production Co., LTD.