CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: a silver label of Fresh Berry's plus another Canadian re-issue
Chess LP-1498 (mono) LPS-1498 (stereo) ? November 1965
A couple of weeks ago I bought a copy of this well-known album having a label I have never seen. It’s a silver Chess label. I have not seen any other Berry LPs on Chess with this kind of label colour. The copy I got is the mono issue. The question is, was it also available as a stereo issue?

Roll Over Beethoven / Maybellene
Quality Gold Collection GC-382X ? 1986
Refering to page 1993 regarding especially the year of release, as the label on the above single also says 1982.