CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: In an addition to the French discography written here on October 18, 2014 I presented two completely different cover variants of "Chuck Berry, Vol. 2" (Impact 6886 407). I wondered whether there would be also a second cover variant of Volume 1 (Impact 6886 403). Finally the other day (actually 2 weeks ago) I spotted on eBay the other, or the first, issue of Impact 6886 403 with a diferent cover image. And again a much better one.
CHUCK BERRY (different cover)
Impact 6886 403 ? 1979
Same tracks and catalogue number as the 1980 issue (page 309), but with a different and much better front cover image. Images show the first variant (left) and the second (right).

The release dates of these albums (1979 or 1980) are unconfirmed, also which one of the variants came first. If you know, tell us!
Update: As said on page 309, there is another variant of this record. It has the same name and contents as well as an almost identical cover but lists a different catalogue number in the upper right corner: Impact 6499 671. For completeness this cover is shown below. I had described this as a 1981 reprint. However, the lower catalogue number indicates that this variant came first. Also the red label of Impact 6886 403 as well as the wax show the lower number of the yellow label release as the matrix number for the higher number record. Again a release date of this record is unknown.